With the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Muslim Reentry Initiative (M.R.I.)
“The believers, men and women, are helpers and supporters of one another...” (Qur’an 9:71)
“And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive...” (Qur’an 76:8)
“Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness.” (Qur’an 5:2)
“Verily, the believers are like a structure, each part strengthening the other.” (Sahih Bukhari)
“If anyone relieves a Muslim believer from one of the hardships of this worldly life, Allah will relieve him/her of one of the hardships of the Day of Judgement.” (Sahih Muslim)
“Whoever guides someone to virtue will be rewarded equivalent to him who practices that good action.” (Sahih Muslim)
Who are we, and what is our goal?
Muslim Reentry Initiative (M.R.I) is a community collective, a network of concerned Muslims who have come together with the goal of better assisting our incarcerated brothers & sisters.
We believe in the transformative and reformative power of Islam and know that within its teachings are the solutions needed to address the issues of incarceration and recidivism.
The mission of Muslim Reentry Initiative (M.R.I.) is to reinforce the bridge of relationship between incarcerated Muslims and Muslims in society.
Our goal is to provide FULL-SCALE Islamic prison ministry and reentry services. To operate as an umbrella organization, a resource bank to better assist Muslim inmates both during and after incarceration.
While our primary focus is to assist incarcerated and reentering Muslims, Muslim Reentry Initiative (M.R.I.) will not discriminate based on religion in providing services and resources to those in need.
What can I do to help? How can I contribute?
Under this umbrella organization (M.R.I.) we have created several councils designed to carry out the necessary work of this Initiative and bringing its mission into fruition. Below is a list of these councils and a brief description of each. We all have something valuable to contribute, and for a project of this magnitude, we will need each and everyone’s help and support, so please join us in this work!
It was narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA) that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “When a man dies all of his good deeds come to an end except three: Ongoing Charity (sadaqa jariyah), beneficial knowledge and a righteous son who prays for him.” (Sunan an-Nasa’i)
What are some types of Sadaqa Jariayah?
• Teaching someone a valuable skill
• Building an institution of good, such as a masjid o hospital
• Building a means of provision, such as a well
• Teaching someone valuable knowledge, through books, lessons etc.
• Planting a tree
• Creating a home or shelter for people or animals
• Inventing something of use for people or animals
Muslim Reentry Initiative (M.R.I.) Councils:
1. Resource Council -
responsible for collecting resources and maintaining a resource bank consisting of, but not limited to: housing, transportation, food & clothing, substance abuse, mental & physical health support, ID obtainment, family reunification, job training & placement, etc.
2. Finance Council -
responsible for fundraising, donation coordination, acquisition of funds, and managing accounts, all with the goal of helping brothers & sisters with their immediate needs as well as building out this initiative, e.g., purchase of buildings for housing/education, vans for transportation, etc.
3. Information Council -
responsible for making connections with local-statewide masajid, organizations
and prison officials to inform them of our initiative, etc.
4. Prison Ministry Council -
responsible for working towards & getting more Islamic volunteers/chaplains into the prison system. Keeping an active/live roster of all Muslim inmates throughout the Louisiana Department of Corrections to be able to track release dates, case by case needs, and maintain contact with both the Muslim inmates and the prison officials.
Establish accredited Islamic Studies curriculum within the Louisiana Department of Corrections.
5. Welcoming Council -
responsible for welcoming brothers & sisters’ home upon release and helping
connect them to the masajid and the resource bank, etc.
May Allah (swt) accept this from us as sadaqa jariyyah (ongoing charity) and help us to see this work through seeking only His pleasure! Ameen.